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The Mom Memo No. 7
Winter activities, hydration and organization…

The name of the game is winter activities, hydration and organization

Conversation Cards…

I love my kids more than anything, but sometimes my 9-year-old doesn’t want to talk, and sometimes my 3-year-old wants to talk a lot. Trying to find the balance can be tough, but taking charge of the situation has been helped with these cards. Brig, Cal and I each pick two cards before dinner and during our meal we talk through them. The boys love it!

Osea Anti-Aging Body Balm…

I was certainly laser-focused on any product which claimed to be anti-aging for my face when I turned 40 last year. This year, I’ve already stumbled on this anti-aging body balm so I can ensure I don’t look 20 on my face and 80 on the rest of my body. (You’re welcome for the mental photo.) I found this at my favorite shop in the East Village, Eden.

Beautiful Organizing Storage…

If in my upper 30s, I may have been keeping it to myself how excited organizational products make me, I have fully embraced it now that I’m 40 and am happy to profess my love. I’ve set a goal to organize one cupboard, drawer, or other space in my home per week as I kick off the new year. While it’s nice to go through different areas, edit items and organize a bit – what keeps me on track long-term is storage and containment, as The Home Edit gals would say. They have a new line with Walmart which makes organizing mental relief affordable.

The Cheeseboard Deck…

This winter I’ve been invited to several friends’ homes for dinner. It’s been a wonderful way to spend the cold season until we can get outside, and I always try to bring a small hostess gift to thank them for their efforts and welcoming. My latest favorite gift to give is this fun Cheeseboard Deck. I assume since they’re having me and others over they love to host, and this Cheeseboard Deck provides 50 Cheeseboard layout ideas with clear instructions and a grocery list. I’ve had rave reviews, but mostly I just hope they catch the (not-so?) subtle hint I’d like to come back again, and be presented with a beautiful Cheeseboard.


The Mom Memo